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Version 9 (modified by khanhle, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Environment Setup

This section describes how to prepare the PC environment for building the CRKit framework using either shell scripts or Simulink.

To build the CRKit framework, we would need the following tools :

  1. Modelsim
  2. Xilinx ISE Design Suite 10.1
  3. MATLAB R2008a
  4. Cygwin (cygwin is known to have interoperability issues with older version of Xilinx EDK shell, therefore it is recommended to use ISE/EDK 10.1 or higher)

In the reference environment, we are using two drive partitions : C:\ partition for OS and software applications, and D:\ for data files. If you are not using the same drive partition or directory structures, then you will need to modify the links to the appropriate folders/files according to your particular environment.

C Partition

D Partition

First, we will setup the .bash_profile (this file should be located in "c:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USER_ACCOUNT") The .bash_profile environment variables will be loaded into cygwin shell when started. Add following to the .bash_profile

export SDR_HDL_HOME="YOUR_PATH_TO_CRKIT_SVN_FOLDER/design/trunk"       #example : export SDR_HDL_HOME="d:/mystuff/crkit_svn/design/trunk"
export CYG_SDR_HDL_HOME="CYGWIN_PATH_TO_CRKIT_SVN_FOLDER/design/trunk  #example : export CYG_SDR_HDL_HOME="/cygdrive/d/mystuff/crkit_svn/design/trunk"
export MODELSIM_WORK_HOME="YOUR_PATH_TO_MODELSIM_WORK_FOLDER"          #example : export MODELSIM_WORK_HOME="d:/mystuff/hw" 
export XILINX_ISE_MODELS="YOUR_PATH_XILINX_ISE_PRECOMPILED_LIBRARIES"  #example : export XILINX_ISE_MODELS="d:/mystuff/hw/xlib/ise10.1"
export XILINX_EDK_MODELS="YOUR_PATH_XILINX_EDK_PRECOMPILED_LIBRARIES"  #example : export XILINX_EDK_MODELS="d:/mystuff/hw/xlib/edk10.1"
export MODELSIM="$SDR_HDL_HOME/setup/modelsim.ini"
export MODEL_TECH="YOUR_PATH_TO_MODELSIM_FOLDER"                       #example : export MODEL_TECH="c:/Modeltech_6.4c"
export CYG_MODEL_TECH="CYGWIN_PATH_TO_MODELSIM_FOLDER"                 #example : export CYG_MODEL_TECH="/cygdrive/c/Modeltech_6.4c"

unset autologout

cd $CYG_SDR_HDL_HOME/setup

The .bash_profile assumes that the following folders are available for linking

  1. CRKit svn folder
  2. Modelsim work folder
  3. Xilinx ISE precompiled libraries
  4. Xilinx EDK precompiled libraries (optional for now)

It is a good strategy to combine the modelsim, ise and edk subfolders in a top folder such as

Those files should be kept outside off the CRKit svn folder environment.


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