== Build R1 Simulation Environment == R1 has currently two predefined test cases : * ''tc_src_app_mod'' - for APP TX testing (files located at ./design/trunk/tb/R1/tc_src_app_mod) * ''tc_src_app_rxtx'' - for APP TX and RX testing (files located at ./design/trunk/tb/R1/tc_src_app_rxtx) Prior to running a modelsim simulation, we need to make sure that the building process is error free. From Cygwin, enter one of the following commands {{{ build_fw -P tb_ocrp_mod # builds R1 testbench with APP TX only (APP TX = Sine/AWGN generator) build_fw -P tb_ocrp_rxtx # builds R1 testbench with both APP TX and RX (APP TX = SINE/AWGN generator, APP RX = FFT/AVG e.g. for spectrum sensing app) }}} Note that the above commands build the R1 framework, applications and testbench files which are under SVN only. The MATLAB generated top file are not built in the same process. We will later on replace the R1 framework and application svn files with an equivalent MATLAB/Simulink generated top level file. Once the building process passes error free, we may start with the modelsim simulation by invoking the following commands {{{ build_fw -P tb_ocrp_mod -D # builds R1 testbench with APP TX only (APP TX = Sine/AWGN generator) build_fw -P tb_ocrp_rxtx # builds R1 testbench with both APP TX and RX (APP TX = SINE/AWGN generator, APP RX = FFT/AVG e.g. for spectrum sensing app) }}} [..]